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Lazerinio diodo modulis 650nm, analogas Arduino KY-008 ( PPK-244/15)

•  Output Power : 5mw

•  Wavelength : 650nm

•  Working Voltage : 3~5V

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Kaina €1.50 (tax incl.)
Turime sandelyje
PPK244/15 / AN0021
 This 5V laser head very easy to use, you can use Arduino control, do 
controllable laser pointer, theft detection, etc. interesting 
application devices. 
2. Do not point laser to eyes of yours or others, even if the case is closed the laser has possibility of error.
3. the laser is not a toy, do not give children, mental insufficient people, for people who do not understand the use of the laser characteristics, in such case, it can easily lead to injury.
4. the user of laser should wear special goggles, for the invisible laser, this point is particularly important.
5. the laser can not glow in vehicles, aircraft and other transport vehicles at someone.

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Product Details
PPK244/15 / AN0021
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